the whole truth about his story with reality TV starlet Mélanie Orl!

Is there a heart to take? If we were able to see him very complicit with Denitsa Ikonomova during his participation in Dance with the stars a few years ago, Laurent Maistret never went further than dancing with the woman who was bowing out this year. If they formed a sublime couple on the floors, the two always respected each other and only danced. On the other hand, with regard to Mélanie Orl, many seem convinced that the ex-candidate of Koh Lanta would have some budding feelings.

He therefore wished to break the silence and say what was really going on. While he is credited with relationships with Denitsa Ikonomova, Lola, or even the reality TV candidate, the host of Apprentice Adventurers assures us in our columns: everything is false. “I’m very happy in life, that’s all! All these stories amuse me, it’s just wind”he assured.

Always a heart to take

Laurent Maistret persists and even assures that he has never been “with these girls that I sometimes meet in the evening or on the networks, like Mélanie. I’m really not trying to feed all that. I want people to be interested in me for what I do, not for the person with who I am”. A way for the handsome kid to put an end to all the rumors that have been circulating for several weeks now.

All the information can be found in your magazine Audience available on newsstands today on this subject, as well as the revelations of one of the most famous adventurers of Koh Lanta on his healthy life. Because yes, if he is still in good shape at 40, it is also because he is very careful about his health as he explained in our columns. “I never took anything, not even a cigarette”, he confided before however admitting : “if, when I was 16, I had to shoot a bedo”.

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See also: “They took me out like a mess”: Laurent Maistret “disgusted” following his hasty departure in “Mask Singer”


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