“The whole of France is a medical desert”, denounce young doctors for the third day of mobilization

All doctors’ unions are calling for a strike on Tuesday against bills discussed in Parliament to fight against medical deserts.

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Doctors are again called upon to close practices on Tuesday, February 14. This is the third call for mobilization of the winter and this time, all the doctors’ unions are calling for a strike while Parliament is studying two texts. One would supervise the installation of young doctors and the other would allow direct access to physiotherapists and certain nurses without going through a general practitioner. Unacceptable attacks on their profession according to the young general practitioners grouped within the ReAGJIR union.

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Raphaël Dachicourt, 29, will soon work in a nursing home near Lille. He will be in the street on Tuesday to express the “fed up” of general practitioners, in particular in the face of the text which would limit installations in so-called “not under-endowed” territories. “I am going to settle in one of the territories which is one of the 10% best endowed in France, explains the young doctor. Not a day goes by that I don’t have someone come to me and tell me they’re having trouble accessing care.”

“The whole of France is a medical desert. This desire to regulate the installation is to add an additional brake to the installation in a context of shortage.”

Raphaël Dachicourt, general practitioner

at franceinfo

This reform will “creating the medical deserts of tomorrow”estimated Élise Fraih president of ReAGJIR. “OI looked at the map and it will affect Marseille, Lyon, or even Colmar, my region where the doctors are already requisitioned for lack of sufficient numbers to ensure the guards in liberal.

>> Health: what do the liberal doctors on strike on February 14 demand?

The union of young generalists also denounces another text “too coercive”. This is the Rist law which allows direct access to physiotherapists and certain nurses without going through the attending physician: “Collaborating with the paramedics with whom we already work, we are for 200%. But the framework must be defined between us, in a sensible way and with the patients we know”, says Elise Fraih. All the doctors’ unions are calling for a strike on Tuesday, they are also unanimously asking for a revaluation of the consultation.

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