the whole city of Blain behind its candidate, Miss Pays de la Loire

The Blinois are in turmoil at the approach of the Miss France contest! Blain, north of Nantes, is Line Carvalho’s hometown, Miss Pays de la Loire. And on the eve of the show, the inhabitants do not hide their pride in seeing the child of the municipality representing the region in the competition.
“We are in full swing!” enthuses Anne Guitton, shopkeeper and neighbor of Line Carvalho. “I keep saying at home: ‘it’s not possible, I feel like it’s going to be her’!”

“It’s her, that’s for sure!” – Laurence, restaurateur from Blin

Like her, several downtown merchants have posted a poster with the effigy of the miss. “We believe it!”, assures Laurence who runs a pizzeria in which the family of the young woman has its habits. “We all hope that she becomes Miss France! Here it’s a bit of the countryside, we all know each other, it’s something! She’s going to be on TV, we talk about her on the radio. has never had someone so famous! “

In Blain, everyone has an anecdote about the young woman, tells us about her kindness, her simplicity and her intelligence. The 20-year-old is in preparation in Lorient to become an airline pilot. “For the past week, customers who come into the store have been telling me about their general culture test”, recognizes Line Carvalho’s grandfather, Joseph Eslan, in reference to his granddaughter’s third place in the general miss culture test. This antique dealer on the Place de l’Eglise says “proud”, and also happy that now “The Miss France committee is no longer interested only in the physique but also in what’s in the head. And Line has a well-made head too!”

An evening on the big screen

Side prognosis, the Blinois imagine their miss to arrive at least in the five finalists. Will she be able to show repartee against Jean-Pierre Foucault? “I have no doubts about it!, answers the mayor of Blain, Jean-Michel Buf, delighted to the highlighting of his city thanks to Miss Pays de la Loire. It’s enormous ! We can see that the influence goes beyond the municipality and up to the national level, so necessarily, it will have an impact. “

And it was well worth a retransmission on a giant screen of the TF1 show on Saturday evening. The municipality has made available its 300-seat sports hall for the occasion. The former Line Carvhalo dance teacher, very mobilized behind her, will be in the front row. “It’s not only in sport that we need supporters! Being together really increases the pleasure and happiness to see the local child on television, and to send him our support ! “, smiles Bruno Rékis. A message to his student brand? “Go all out!”, he advises Line Carvalho who would be in his eyes “a very beautiful Miss France”.

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