the white plan launched in several regions and in many French hospitals

The white plan should make it possible to increase patient reception capacities, by deprogramming certain non-urgent operations and by recalling staff.

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Several regional health agencies (ARS) have asked all hospitals and health establishments in their region to trigger the white plan to deal with the influx of patients linked to the fifth wave of Covid-19. After the PACA region on Tuesday, December 8, the ARS of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Occitanie, Pays de la Loire and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté ask their hospitals on Wednesday to reorganize.

In Hauts-de-France, the ARS has asked hospitals in the Lille metropolitan area, Hainaut and Oise to launch their white plan. It also calls on all hospitals to deploy 114 additional resuscitation beds across the region.

For the past week, a large number of establishments have also taken the initiative to launch their white plan and no region is spared. This is the case in the east for the hospitals of Mulhouse and Colmar or Nancy. Same situation in Brittany for the hospitals of Saint-Malo, Dinan and Cancale but also for the hospitals of Vendée. The hospitals of Le Mans, Alençon, Orléans have taken the same decision. In recent days, the hospitals of Bayonne, Bordeaux, Nîmes, Montpellier and Tours have also taken the plunge.

The white plan, widely triggered on several occasions during previous waves, should make it possible to increase patient reception capacities, by deprogramming certain non-urgent operations and by recalling staff.

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