the west of the country increasingly attacked by the Russians



France 2

Article written by

A.-C.Poignard, R.Mathé, A.Orlova, F.Fougère @RevelateursFTV – France 2

France Televisions

At 20th day of the war in Ukraine, Tuesday March 15, the west of the country is affected. Strikes fell in Antopil and not far from Belarus, Rivine fears the same fate.

Tuesday March 15 in Antopil (Ukraine), at 20th day of war against Russia, the inhabitants are worried about the Russian advance. “The house shook, we saw a flash in the sky. I got ready to go down to the shelter, and then I don’t remember anything.“, testifies a woman. Two Russian missiles targeted the antenna of Antopil, Monday, March 14, causing the death of 19 people and wounding nine others. The day after the attack, the site is still inaccessible.

Not far from there, Rivine (Ukraine), located just 180 km from the Belarusian border, is under tension. Air alerts sounded seven times in a few hours. The mayor of the city, Oleksandr Tretiak, is worried and tries to protect the population. “There is a big basement under this church, it allows to hide people when the rockets and the bombs fall from the sky’, he says. The attack could also come from the ground, the region being border with Belarus.

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