The West condemns the Russian invasion in Ukraine, peace in Europe in question

The invasion of Ukraine launched by Russian President Vladimir on Thursday has sparked a wave of condemnation, especially in the West.


“The world must compel Russia to peace,” said President Volodymyr Zelensky. Mr. Zelensky announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Moscow and accused Russia of having “attacked Ukraine in a cowardly and suicidal way as […] Nazi Germany in World War II.

United States

President Joe Biden has denounced Russia’s “unwarranted attack” on Ukraine, blaming Moscow for launching a “premeditated war that will cause catastrophic human suffering and loss”, for which Russia will be “responsible”.


“President Putin, in the name of humanity, bring your troops back to Russia! launched the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, for whom this war “must stop now”. “This is the saddest moment of my mandate” at the head of the UN, he added.

European Union

“We strongly condemn the unjustified attack on Ukraine by Russia”, declared the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, in a joint text denouncing “an attack not provoked”.

The Twenty-Seven are preparing a new set of sanctions, the “toughest ever implemented” against Russia, which will force it “to an unprecedented isolation”, declared Josep Borrell, head of diplomacy of the EU.


China, with close relations with Moscow, “understands Russia’s reasonable security concerns”, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said after Beijing called on “all parties to exercise restraint to avoid that the situation does not get out of control”.


President Emmanuel Macron “strongly condemned Russia’s decision to wage war on Ukraine” and urged Moscow to “immediately end its military operations”. “France stands in solidarity with Ukraine. It stands alongside the Ukrainians and works with its partners and allies to end the war,” he said.

In an address to the nation on Thursday, he denounced the “most serious attack on peace and stability in our Europe for decades”.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned “the use of the territory of Belarus authorized by the regime [du président biélorusse, Alexandre] Lukashenko, to carry out this aggression against a sovereign country”.


The Russian invasion is “a flagrant violation” of international law that “undermines peace” in Europe and threatens “the lives of countless innocent people”, said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, whose country says it is ready to “massively help” its neighbours, in particular Poland, in the event of an influx of Ukrainian refugees.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson condemned the “horrific events in Ukraine”, a “catastrophe for the European continent”, lamenting that Mr Putin had “chosen the path of bloodshed and destruction by launching this unprovoked attack”.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Church of England Primate Justin Welby and the Archbishop of York denounced the “horrific and unprovoked attack on Ukraine” as “an evil act” and said “pray for an urgent ceasefire”.


Atlantic Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg “strongly condemned Russia’s reckless and unprovoked attack on Ukraine”.

He announced the holding of a summit of NATO leaders by videoconference on Friday “to analyze the way forward” and the activation of “defense plans in order to be able to deploy the capacity of the reaction force where it will be necessary”.


Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi called the Russian attack on Ukraine “unjustified and unjustifiable”, assuring that the European Union and NATO were working on an immediate response. He urged Vladimir Putin to withdraw “unconditionally” and as soon as possible his armed forces from Ukraine.

Council of Europe

The Council of Europe, an intergovernmental organization to which Russia adheres and which imposed sanctions on Moscow after the annexation of Crimea in 2014, “strongly” condemned the Russian military offensive in Ukraine as a “flagrant violation”. of its status and promised to take “quickly the necessary measures to respond to the current situation”, while calling “on the Russian authorities for an immediate and unconditional cessation of hostilities”.


“We reject this unacceptable operation”, which is “a blow to peace and regional stability”, declared Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, whose country is a NATO member and borders the Black Sea. , like Russia.


The Russian attack in Ukraine “shakes the foundations of the international order”, denounced the Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida.


Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison condemned Russia’s “illegal invasion” by announcing a “second round” of sanctions against Russian civilians and corporations.


Madrid “condemns Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian government and people,” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez wrote on Twitter.

Nordic countries

Finland and Sweden, non-NATO members, condemned the Russian attack, separately denouncing “an attack on the European security order”.

For its part, Norway, a member of the Atlantic Alliance, condemned a “serious violation of international law” and announced the move of its embassy from Kiev to Lviv, in the west of the country. Denmark called February 24, 2022 a “stain in Russian history”.

Alexei Navalny

“I am against this war […] carried out to conceal the theft of Russian citizens and divert their attention from the problems […] inside the country,” imprisoned Russian opponent Alexei Navalny said at the hearing of a new trial against him.

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