The Web is offended by the behavior of an employee in “Patron Incognito”

This Monday, January 16, 2023, “Patron Incognito” was back on the first channel for a new number. A program during which the M6 ​​cameras this time survived Frédéric Murat, the co-founder of the company

During these days of incognito immersion within his company, the latter therefore had to take on the role of Stéphane, a future manager in training… And in other words, nothing went as planned for the boss!

The reason ? Frédéric Murat had trouble supporting his contact lenses and after failing to hide his tattoo on his thigh which represents the company logo, he was immediately unmasked by David, his first trainer.

An employee shocks the web

Subsequently, the situation did not improve for the boss! And for good reason, if his second experience with Mohamed, his second trainer was not very conclusive, the employee being very clumsy, the latter was visibly dismayed by his last employee.

Océane, a woman in charge of delivering parcels to homes, has indeed trained her boss incognito in a very funny way… While the company insists that all parcels be delivered by hand, the young woman has systematically refused precede in this way by preferring to place the packages directly in the mailbox, even if it means forcing a little to get the packages into the mailboxes.

“Me, I set myself a goal, it’s ten parcels per hour. That’s what we have to deliver in the base hour, ”she later explained to the cameras. An objective that also pushes Océane to park in parking spaces for the disabled. Behavior that scandalized Internet users on the Web: “No, I’m shocked”, “The girl has zero respect for others in fact. The disabled, nothing to doubt, the damaged parcels, nothing to give a damn”, “Ah well, I better understand the state of my parcels”, “His lack of professional awareness is frightening”, could we read on Twitter following the broadcast…


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