the weather star collapses at the funeral of Jean-Pierre Pernaut…

The disappearance of Jean-Pierre Pernaut has shaken his relatives, but also millions of French people. This Wednesday, March 9, the funeral of the journalist took place at the basilica of Sainte-Clotilde in the 7ᵉ arrondissement of Paris. Many people came to pay him a final tribute. Among them, there was Evelyne Dhéliat. For several years, the presenter has evolved alongside the husband of Nathalie Marquay on the first channel.

Apart from TV sets, the “binomial” has always been very close. For LCIthe main interested party agreed to confide once again in her sudden disappearance. “I expressed myself, I said [des choses] on our friendship for more than forty years, so here it is, it’s a part of life and it’s a lot of sincere friendship, at work and then also outside of work, with friends, buddies”, she said, emphasizing that with Jean-Pierre Pernaut, they “were always there, both of them, in the difficult moments of life, too”.“He wasn’t a colleague, for me… I felt like I was working with a friend. So it’s true that there was work, but that was life.” added Evelyne Dhéliat.

From him, the star of the weather report of TF1 only have good memories. “When I think of him, it’s his hoarse laugh, which we could hear from the end of the corridor and his cheerfulness, his authenticity [qui lui viennent à l’esprit, NDLR]. He was, that I can say, in life as he was on the air. He was really the same man, sincere”, specified the presenter touched by the presence of “the crowd” who came to pay tribute to the memory of her ex-colleague. “It means what it means”, specified the widow of Philippe Maraninchi and to conclude not without emotion: “It was like Jean-Pierre”.


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