The war in Ukraine affects even the Vaucluse greenhouse growers

This rise in fuel prices, the pros cannot pass it on, we will have to find fallback solutions. Particularly sensitive to this problem, the regional president of the FNTR – national road transport federation – Jean-Yves Astoin, every month he fetches 180,000 liters of fuel from Fos to supply his fleet of 30 trucks and the service station. Every increase of a few cents costs him dearly.

Diesel becomes more advantageous than gas

Medical and tourist taxi in Entrechaux Cédric Victoire is faced with the increase in fuel prices and even if devices make it possible to cushion the increases, he uses professional solidarity to find the best prices, but this kind of solution is not applicable everywhere and by everybody. Some who had made efforts to pollute less find themselves stuck today, like truckers who had switched to gas and need to switch back to diesel.

This crisis does not only affect carriers

Many other sectors of activity need energy, especially here greenhouse growers who use gas to heat their greenhouses. Among the carriers’ demands is energy independence, which they believe depends on biofuels produced in France.

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