Tags were also discovered on several facades in the Marais district of Paris. The Memorial announced that it had filed a complaint.
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Tags representing red hands were painted Monday evening on the Wall of the Righteous outside the Shoah Memorial in Paris and on several facades in the Marais district, political and religious leaders reported on Tuesday May 14. A complaint was filed, announced the Mémoral. “In a climate of rising anti-Semitism, we are outraged by this cowardly and hateful act, regardless of the perpetrators and the meaning of these tagged ‘red hands’”specifies the institution in a press release.
“Whatever the perpetrators, this degradation of the Shoah Memorial (…) resonates like a hateful rallying cry against the Jews”also denounced Yonathan Arfi, the president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif), on the social network X.
The mayor of Paris Center regretted that on the very day of the anniversary of the greenback raid in Paris, which took place on May 14, 1941, “the walls of the Marais in front of nurseries and schools, [aient] were defiled, even at the Wall of the Righteous, who saved Jews at the risk of their lives”.
Anne Hildalgo announced that she would contact the public prosecutor in a press release. The mayor of Paris “condemns with the greatest firmness” vandalism of the Wall of the Righteous. “No cause can justify such damage”she writes.