The Walkman at Murat-le-Quaire in the Puy de Dôme


Murat-le-Quaire is located in the Puy de Dôme 45 km from Clermont-Ferrand, 4 km from La Bourboule and 7 km from Mont Dore. The town has 488 muratoises and muratois.

The village is dominated by the volcanic peak of the Banne d’Ordanche, 1,515 meters. Murat-le-Quaire offers a variety of hikes, summer and winter. Sporting and cultural activities, many events are organized all year round thanks to local associations.

Walkman encounters

Activities in Sancy with Auvergn’Attitude

Lovers of the region and non-motorized outdoor activities, Auvergn’Attitude offers you a whole range of tailor-made winter and summer outdoor activities.

  • Biathlon
  • Snowshoe outings
  • Nivology workshops, study of the snowpack
  • Nordic’s walk
  • Sled dogs
  • Orienteering
  • Paragliding
  • MTB
  • Canyoning…
Patrice Parlange at the microphone of Christophe Barbot © Radio France
Christopher Barbot

A single watchword with Patrice Parlange, mountain guide, mountain bike and Nordic walking instructor: Everyone out!

In the Massif du Sancy or near you, on snowshoes, suspended from a paraglider, or on a sled… you will enjoy yourself and you don’t need to be a great sportsman to enjoy it!

Snowshoeing, biathlon-laser, sled dogs... discover the activities of Auvergn'Attitude
Snowshoeing, biathlon-laser, sled dogs… discover the activities of Auvergn’Attitude
@Facebook Auvergn’Attitude

Practical information:

address: Chalet de la Banne in Murat-le-Quaire

To find out more about Auvergn’Attitude

Follow the news of Auvergn’Attitude on Facebook

Restaurant The relay of Toinette

Mathilde Trouille and Pierre Emmanuel Courtoisfrom Loir-et-Cher, fell in love with Auvergne and settled in May 2021 in Murat-le-Quaire. These two professional cooks offer creative and tasty cuisine : a journey through original disheswhile preserving the products and characteristics of the region.

Mathilde and Pierre Emmanuel from the Relais de la Toinette in Murat-le-Quaire
Mathilde and Pierre Emmanuel from the Relais de la Toinette in Murat-le-Quaire © Radio France
Christopher Barbot

Mathilde and Pierre Emmanuel put the “homemade” cooking in the spotlight based on seasonal products and from a production that respects the environment. In fine weather, sit on the terrace with a breathtaking view of the Massif du Sancy.

Practical information:

Closed Sunday evening and Monday

address: Place de l’Eglise in Murat-le-Quaire

To find out more about the Relais de la Toinette

Follow the news of the Relais de la Toinette on Facebook

The Relais de La Toinette in Murat-le-Quaire
The Relais de La Toinette in Murat-le-Quaire
La Toinette relay site

Craft brewery La Banne

Initially settled in Mont-Dore, Luke and Fati first created “La Mont-Dore” beer, then looked for larger premises and installed in Murat Le Quaire at the foot of the Banne d’Ordanche and concocted “the banne”

Luc and Fati from Brasserie La Banne at the microphone of Christophe Barbot
Luc and Fati from Brasserie La Banne at the microphone of Christophe Barbot © Radio France
Christopher Barbot

From atypical recipes for lovers of beautiful flavors: mixed fermentation, aging in wooden barrels, additions of fruits in imperial quantities and games of hops. Discover the 7 La Banne beers – To be consumed in moderation, but without sulking your pleasure.

Practical information:

Guided tours and tasting: Thursday and Friday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

addresses: micro-brewery: 12, impasse de la Fumade in Murat-le-Quaire and store: 1, rue Jean-Moulin in Mont Dore

To find out more about the artisanal brewery La Banne

Follow the news of the artisanal brewery La Banne on Facebook

Discover, in moderation, La Banne craft beers in Murat-le-Quaire
Discover, in moderation, La Banne craft beers in Murat-le-Quaire
Facebook La Banne

La Toinette’s house

A visit to the Maison de la Toinette is a amazing time travel ! Toinette guides us with her voice, from room to room. She tells us the story of her life, her family and her village from 1830 to 1912.

Discovery in the company of Marjorie Campagne, director of the La Toinette scenomuseum. Toinette, the grandmother we would all have liked to have had, would be the grandmother of Jean Louis Murat…

Marjorie Campagne at the microphone of Christophe Barbot
Marjorie Campagne at the microphone of Christophe Barbot © Radio France
Christopher Barbot

We are told that it is a magic house!

La Maison de la Toinette, an immersive experience in the form of a four-room performance trail, tells the story of life in the past. A perfect alchemy between museum and theatre, between technology and magic to relive life on the farm.

The House of La Toinette in Murat-le-Quaire
The House of La Toinette in Murat-le-Quaire © Radio France
Serge Faure – Site of the House of La Toinette

Practical information:

address: Route de la Banne d’Ordanche – Courtyard of the Town Hall in Murat-le-Quaire

To find out more about the Maison de La Toinette

Follow the news of the Maison de La Toinette on Facebook

The trips to Sancy

Do you recognize her? Is it Countess Charlotte de la Tronchettelady-in-waiting to the Duchess of Berry or Étiennette, the priest’s maid, alongside Christophe Barbot? Both maybe…

Charlotte de la Tronchette or Étiennette, discover the theatrical visits of the Sancy trips
Charlotte de la Tronchette or Étiennette, discover the theatrical visits of the Sancy trips © Radio France
Christopher Barbot

Trips from Sancy to Murat-le-Quaire, Mont Dore, Bourboule or Besse: dramatized tourist visits led by professional actor-guides. An original and fun way to discover the region!

Practical information:

address: Court of the Town Hall in Murat-le-Quaire

To find out more about the Virées de Sancy

Follow the news of the Virées du Sancy on Facebook

Discover the heritage in an original and fun way with the Sancy trips
Discover the heritage in an original and fun way with the Sancy trips
@Facebook the Sancy Trips

Around Murat-le-Quaire

Sancy’O Aqualudic Center of La Bourboule

Sports pool, balneo-ludic pool, playful pool, relaxation areathe Aqualudique Sancy’O center is aquatic setting dedicated to leisure and relaxation.

Discovery in the company of Aurore Dos Santos, operations manager of the Aqualudique Sancy’O center in La Bourboule.

Aurore Dos Santos, operations manager of the Aqualudique Sancy'O de la Bourboule center, at the microphone of Christophe Barbot
Aurore Dos Santos, operations manager of the Aqualudique Sancy’O de la Bourboule center, at the microphone of Christophe Barbot © Radio France
Christopher Barbot

You will appreciate, among other things, the technology and modern facilities which are part of a process of respect for the location exceptional. A team of professionals is at your disposal all year round, to welcome you and advise you, in a warm atmosphere!

Practical information:

address: 208, Boulevard des vernières in La Bourboule

To find out more about Sancy’O

Follow Sancy’O news on Facebook

Come and relax in the Balneo-Playful pool of Sancy'O at La Bourboule
Come and relax in the Balneo-Playful pool of Sancy’O at La Bourboule
@Sancy’O website

Escape time Sancy in La Bourboule

Cooperation, exploration and reflection will allow you to return victorious from this unforgettable experience through time! The principle of an escape game is simple: you enter an enclosed space immersed in a particular and mysterious atmosphere and you must, in less than an hour, find a way out by solving the puzzles scattered around the place.

3 rooms, 3 themes, 3 atmospheres! With Nicolas, we discover the Escape Time Sancy.

Nicolas from Escape time Sancy at the microphone of Christophe Barbot
Nicolas from Escape time Sancy at the microphone of Christophe Barbot © Radio France
Christopher Barbot

Become, for an hour, a time explorer in search of the ALPHA agent who betrayed the agency and took away terrible secrets. Beware: this man is very dangerous!
The silver express, the Aubépines sisters’ mansion, Mission Tokyo… What will your next game be? To discover with family or friends.

Practical information:

address: 43 rue Sedaiges, in La Bourboule

To find out more about Escape Time Sancy

Follow the news of Escape Time Sancy on Facebook

3 rooms, 3 atmospheres, will you be able to meet the challenges of Escape Time Sancy?
3 rooms, 3 atmospheres, will you be able to meet the challenges of Escape Time Sancy?
@Facebook Escape Time Sancy

The walkman, Saturday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on France Bleu Pays d’Auvergne with Christophe Barbot

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