the Wagner group announces the capture of Bakhmout


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In Ukraine, the Wagner militia announces the capture of Bakhmout. A capture denied by kyiv, which says it still controls certain areas of the city in the east of the country where the longest and deadliest battle of this war is being fought.

One by one, he proudly salutes his men. In front of a field of ruins, it was with a Russian flag in his hands that Evgueni Prigojine, boss of the paramilitary group Wagner, came to announce the capture of Bakhmout. “Today at noon, Bakhmout was taken in its entirety. We took the whole city, house by house, so that no one could pedantically blame us, that only one part was not taken” he announces on a video. After 224 days of fierce fighting, Bakhmout would therefore be fallen in the hands of the Russians.

kyiv denies

For their part, the Ukrainian authorities still claim to control part of the city, but recognize that they are in great difficulty. If confirmed, this fall of Bakhmout would above all be a symbolic victory for the Russiansmore than strategic. The first after a long series of failures stinging. According to Evgueni Prigojine, Wagner will spend the next few days inspecting the city from top to bottom. It will then be handed over to the Russian army on May 25.

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