the voters of Boissy-le-Repos chose Marine Le Pen




Article written by

A. Boutet, P. Montels, JL. Cesco, A. Brodin – France 3

France Televisions

In Boissy-le-Reposin the Marne, 65% of residents voted for Marine Le Pen in the first round of the presidential election on Sunday 10 April. It is often the expression of a fit of anger, and a feeling of being forgotten.

Boissy-le-Repos (Marl)a town of 227 inhabitants, reflects the calm of rurality. However, Marine Le Pen obtained close to 65% votes in the first round of the presidential election on Sunday 10 April. The idea of ​​seeing her president does not displease me at all”slips Bernard Wauquiezmayor (without label) de Boissy-le-Repos, who voted for the candidate of the National Rally, as did his wife.

The reasons for such a choice may come as a surprise, since the city does not do more than elsewhere in the face of insecurity or immigration problems. Many retirees live in Boissy-le-Repos. The latter define themselves as the forgotten of the territory. Marine Le Pen has never been in government, and she may be the only one who can defend us“, confides Rene Deletetang. In the small towns of the Marne, the FN vote, then RN make long been part of the electoral landscape.


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