the vote on the bilateral security agreement is a “moment of clarification and truth”, assures MP Benjamin Haddad


Video duration: 5 min

War in Ukraine: the vote on the bilateral security agreement is a “moment of clarification and truth”, assures Benjamin Haddad, Renaissance deputy of Paris

The bilateral security agreement will be debated in the National Assembly on Tuesday March 12. Benjamin Haddad, Renaissance MP from Paris and president of the France Ukraine friendship group, is the guest of 12/13 info, to explain the importance of such a pact.


The bilateral security agreement will be debated in the National Assembly on Tuesday March 12. Benjamin Haddad, Renaissance MP from Paris and president of the France Ukraine friendship group, is the guest of 12/13 info, to explain the importance of such a pact.

While a debate is to open in the National Assembly on the bilateral security agreement signed between France and Ukraine, Benjamin Haddad, Renaissance deputy from Paris and president of the France Ukraine friendship group, is the guest of 12/13 info, live from the National Assembly, Tuesday March 12. “I hope we will have a majority. (…) We have been able to work for two years with the LR, the PS, the Greens to support Ukraine”, he says. It is all the more important in his eyes as it represents “defending our security interests at a time when Russia is increasing its aggressiveness towards us with interference and cyber attacks.”

The RN in the viewfinder

Furthermore, the vote or not in support of Ukraine will be a “moment of clarification and truth which will make everyone face their responsibilities”, according to Benjamin Haddad. The deputy from Paris is particularly targeting the National Rally, “who says he abstains and is unable to say whether he is for or against”. And to conclude: “The truth is that for two years, the National Rally has opposed all measures of support for Ukraine and economic sanctions against Putin’s Russia.”

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