The volunteers of the Coupe Icare, the essential link in the organization of the event

The Coupe Icare festivities began four days ago and will continue until September 25. The largest free flight event in the world remains a breathtaking spectacle every year! During these six days, pilots and volunteers work hard to offer an unforgettable moment.

Without a volunteer, no Icarus Cup! One thing is certain: volunteers are not lacking and would not miss this moment for anything in the world. Among the 1200 present every year: Nico.

Nico, director of a leisure center, started volunteering out of curiosity, then became more and more involved, even taking days off at work to fully participate in the event. First assistant to the deputy flight director, he ended up joining the flight management a few years ago.

There is a spirit that is very magnetic, very familial. We have the pleasure of meeting each other from one year to the next. We are a group of friends, we have a lot of fun being there, while being ultra professional”. – Nico, volunteer at the Coupe Icare

Michel, alias Mimi la frite or Mimi la cafét’ is also a volunteer. He had already volunteered for charities before becoming interested in the Coupe Icare, which corresponded in every way to what he wanted to do. Discovering the Icare cup from the inside changed his outlook.

We make acquaintances, we discover people who are, among other things, volunteers, since you have to know that there are between 900 and 1,000 of them. And there, there is a unit, there is a brotherhood that makes that we get on really well and it’s a real pleasure to take part in this cup. – Michel, volunteer at the Coupe Icare

The Icare Cup can also be experienced with the family!

My daughter is a volunteer. I have been a volunteer for over 30 years. My husband is also a volunteer. My mom is a volunteer. It’s natural to be a volunteer at the Coupe Icare when you live on the plateau. – Caroline, volunteer at the Coupe Icare

Like all the others, Olivier gives his time but also shares his ideas! More than ten years ago, Olivier replaced disposable plastic glasses with returnable glasses. The result was amazing.

As soon as there are no more glasses on the floor, there are no more trays of fries on the floor either. VSIt was a clean Icare cut right away, it was really great. – Olivier, volunteer at the Coupe Icare

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