“The Voice”: music unites all generations

The young Nathaël Young faced the oldest candidate of the season, Nadia-Lyse Perrone, 76, during the second show of duels of “La Voix”, this Sunday. Marjo asked them to sing one of his successes, “If it was necessary”, to which they breathed new life.

• Read also: A Lady Gaga classic gives one of The Voice’s best duels

Originally a love song, the duo agreed that it was like a grandmother and her grandson tenderly discussing the passage of time. The performance was filled with emotion, so much so that Nathaël lost the words.

“The connection was really strong between Nadia-Lyse and me, indicated the young singer of 18 years. I forgot my words looking at her, I got lost in her eyes. But that’s okay, just stay positive.”


He approached this phase of the show with a mixture of conflicting emotions. “I was very happy to sing with Nadia-Lyse. Behind the scenes, it was always her who took care of others, who asked if we were feeling well, and who offered us a little mint. Nadya-Lise was one of the best singers. She is so cute, I love her very much, my loving little granny.”

Despite her addiction to the text, and her natural and candid reaction to her mistake, Marjo chose to continue the adventure with Nathaël.

“I was so surprised by his choice, admitted the young New Brunswicker. I was ready to go in my head. I think she may have seen that, even if I forgot the lyrics of the song, I knew how to bring emotion with my little voice over it. I also think that she saw that I had potential and that she wants to know more about my universe.

Accompanied Energy

Nathaël’s ardor and energy are reminiscent of those of Marjo. “We really connected. I am proud and happy to have chosen Marjo, I am not sure that I would have had such a great connection with another coach. With Marjo, we like the same style of music, we have a lot in common. We look a lot alike, it’s really weird.”

Despite his age, Nathaël already knows exactly what he wants to do and the musical direction he wants to take. “I love to sing songs that convey emotions, I like to touch the public, make them cry, move them. But I also have another side, I like to sing more rock songs. The original songs I’ve done recently are more punk rock. It’s a less popular style at the moment among young people, but I think it’s cool and I would like young people to listen to it more.


Before Nadia-Lyse left the stage of “La Voix”, Corneille wanted to pay her a nice tribute. “I come from a continent where growing old is a privilege,” he told her. We respect that. We have just spent two or three years during which we failed our elders. By your mere presence, you have just told all of Quebec that there is no age limit for being where you want to be. Cheer!”

They continue the adventure

Corneille Team
Christa Maria Abou Akl, 20, Montreal
Evodia, 22, Quebec

Team Marc Dupre
Catherine Bessette, 29, Mercier (Sauve)
Gabrielle Grenon, 15, Terrebonne
Mathieu-Philippe Perras, 33, Montreal (Stolen)
Sorrene, 18, Saint-Jérôme

Mario Pelchat Team
Joel Boudreault, 32, Alma
Dominic Lafond, 41, Sainte-Thérèse

Team Marjo
Mélanie Haché, 48 years old, Lamèque Island (New Brunswick)
Nathaël Young, 18, Charlo, New Brunswick

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