the Voice makes a crazy announcement to tease the big comeback of the emblematic confinement show!

After the long-awaited return of the star Academy should we expect the comeback of Secret Story ? In any case, this is what several mysterious messages posted on social networks suggest. On February 1, 2023, the Twitter account @Secret_Story_FR shared an intriguing publication on which we could read: “Here the Voice, to all Internet users: beware of appearances… That’s all for now”. A tweet that sparked strong reactions.

Disappeared from the small screen since December 8, 2017, Secret Story would therefore be on the point of coming back in force. A few days after this first intervention, another post has just seen the light of day. And this time, the Voice speaks. “Here the Voice, I’ve been watching you for six years. You know, I never really left. Now the Voice is ready to play again… To start, let’s dive back into my memories. moment”can we hear him say in a sound clip shared this Thursday, February 9, 2023 on the social network at the blue bird.

A rather vague return

A speech that put the fans in turmoil. “Okay, I can’t wait actually!”, “YES”, “Let’s play together little rascal”, “I hope the cast will be on top, amazing!”, “omg”, “Damn what the hell I can’t wait”, “Can’t wait for the return of the show”, “Finally!”, “I’m going to blow my skull, it’s great!”, “Omg, I had chills, is that normal? “, “The hype!”, “The show will come back” or “Can not wait to see it”, can we read in the comments.

If everything is still very vague concerning the return of Secret Story, Jean-Louis Blot, boss of Endemol France, spoke recently in the columns of the Parisian.“We want to make this brand exist, revive it and show that people love it”he confided before adding: “So we’re going to use our archival stock to remind the public what Secret Story is, it’s a real booster shot”. And to continue: “We have already started by putting programs back on Youtube. We are now going to accelerate on all social networks, by broadcasting extracts. Also old dailies and weeklies and even new content!” To be continued…


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