the voice coach of “Star Academy” makes a great announcement about the rest of her career!

Many viewers shed tears on November 26, when the students of the new season of the star Academy drew the curtain and left the castle of Dammarie-les-Lys for good. Enola, Anisha, Léa or Louis, as well as all the other candidates of the new edition, knew how to enter the hearts of the French by their personality and especially their talents in singing. 14 years after the last season, they knew how to bring a lot of joy to the fans behind their screen but the students are not the only ones to have worked for this.

Indeed, the new Star Ac’ teachers have also been able to do well. And in particular Adeline Toniutti, the singing teacher so appreciated by the public for her natural side and the precious advice she gave throughout. adventure to his students. This one also knew how to move the viewers when she revealed her past as a battered woman… Our colleagues from Release gave some details about the heavy past of the professor and revealed in particular that her husband had “took advantage of his silence to hit her, threaten her, let her rot in a cellar for hours”.

Adeline Toniutti’s big announcement

In the end, it is a friend of Adeline Toniutti who will motivate her to leave. “I call the battered women. They tell me that I can have accommodation, shrinks. I’m out”revealed the professor before continuing: “I go back on stage, I play in New York. I find my audience, I do my first castings to join the Star Academy…”. Today, although this difficult period remains in her mind for the one who knew how to coach Enola, Anisha and the others to perfection, Adeline Toniutti lives again and takes full advantage of her job.

Moreover, great news has just been announced by the professor. His single will finally see the light of day on February 10. Title in which the famous vocalization sung by the students of the castle will obviously have its place as announced by our colleagues from South Info. “We made a text out of it, with good guitars, a good rock thing. It’s crazy! It’s like a ‘We will rock you’ but from the Star Academy!”, rejoiced Adeline Toniutti. The icing on the cake, it will be possible for fans to attend the filming of the clip and even to participate in it. Filming will take place on Wednesday February 8, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Ivry sur Seine.

See also: Adeline Toniutti: why did the “Star Academy” singing teacher burst into tears during the evaluations?


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