The Voice: An ex-candidate returns after arousing great tension

The blind auditions of The Voice continue on Saturday February 19, 2022 on TF1. After a very promising first parade of candidates on stage, the four coaches will have to make new choices. One Talent in particular hopes more than anything to convince the quartet. And for good reason, it will be his second chance in The Voice. Our colleagues from Entertainment TV have just announced that Marina Battista would make a comeback to the program.

She had made an impression during the previous season in 2021, with her impressive voice but above all by making hotly debated during which Florent Pagny got carried away. The singer, suffering from cancer, had regretted that she was not selected, fearing later negative repercussions on social networks. And he hadn’t been wrong since the early elimination of Marine had made controversy for several days. Something finally appreciated by the 19-year-old candidate who was delighted with it The Dispatch at the time.

I knew the coaches had talked to each other after my performance but I didn’t think it had gotten this big. It’s extraordinary when I went out in the spirits after the event, this bun between them, allowed me to measure what the public thinks of my performance: it did me a lot of good. Even though I wasn’t taken, this passage to The Voice was a blessing in disguise“, she thought.

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