the virus is there for a long time but the world is “better prepared”, judges the leader of BioNTech

According to the scientist, “we have to accept the fact of having to live another ten years with the virus”.

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The pandemic, far from over? The world is now “better and better prepared” to face new variants of Covid-19, said Thursday, February 17 Ugur Sahin, boss of the BioNTech laboratory, the origin of the first messenger RNA vaccine. Corn “other variants will arrive”said the official because “the virus will continue to mutate, and other variants are already circulating around the world.”

Corn “we are always learning more and we are better and better prepared”added the scientist, according to which “we have to accept the fact that we have to live another ten years with the virus”.

The German laboratory he heads has developed with the American giant Pfizer one of the two messenger RNA vaccines currently on the market. BioNTech is preparing a new version adapted to the Omicron variant. Data from the ongoing clinical trial of the vaccine adapted to the Omicron variant will be “effectively” available in March, he also said. He told the newspaper Picture that the vaccine could be delivered in April or May if necessary, when several countries plan to relax or have already lifted their measures against the pandemic.

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