the violent sequels that ruin his existence revealed…

Dave was on the set of It’s up to youWednesday April 20, 2022. The opportunity to reassure his public who has experienced the roller coaster in recent weeks.

Indeed, last January, the singer was the victim of a terrible domestic accident which had plunged him into a coma.

If, since then, Dave has managed to get back on his feet, he still suffers from violent after-effects, which spoil his life.

When we live what I lived, you are not allowed to drive for at least six months after the accident but what is more serious is the problem of balance. When I get up, I feel like I’m falling“, he admitted in particular in front of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine. And to continue: “I no longer have the taste or the smell. Everyone thinks I have Covid, but no. It’s just the effects of the cerebral hemorrhage.”

And when asked what the specialists say, Dave, now 77, was clear and his medical entourage too: “I saw the neurologist, but they told me it could be over in three days, in three months or never.

SEE ALSO: Dave suffocated at home after gas leak and taken to hospital

Apolline Demarchelier

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