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After the murder of Justine Vayrac, it’s time for misunderstanding and amazement in the village of the 20-year-old young woman, in Tauriac, in the Lot.
In Tauriac (Lot), bouquets of flowers were sent to pay tribute to Justine Vayrac, 20, on Friday October 28. The young woman lived in a small apartment with her two-year-old child. “How I’m going to live, that’s what my mom just told me”, reports Gérard Lament, deputy mayor of Tauriac. The family does not want a white march until they have recovered the remains of their daughter.
An autopsy is underway to determine the exact causes of Justine Vayrac’s death. Lucas L., 21, confessed to the murder while in police custody and then indicated the place where he buried the body, near his home. According to initial findings, the victim was hit several times, including with a blunt object. For the suspect’s lawyer, there was no indication of such an act by the young man. He describes it as “a calm, peaceful boy, not at all violent”.