Installed on a promontory, the village of Saint-Avit-Senior Formerly called Mont d’Auriac, it is a must during your walks in Périgord. Its abbey church, listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO as part of the Chemins de Saint-Jacques, promises you a great discovery. A village which is on a very irrigated territory.
– Marie-Dominique PRIVE
La Couze which delimits the territory of the commune with Montferrand and Sainte-Croix. This 25 kilometer long river flows into the Dordogne in the village of Couze. Roger Treneule, passionate about history and resident of Saint-Avit Senieur explains to us:
“It is a very important river because it has many prehistoric sites, grain mills, but also forges which were very important.”
Another stream in the village, the couch which delimits the western side of the town with Molière and Bourniquel. It was a very important river, but one that dries up in the summer during the hot weather.
“There were grain mills on this stream and nearby there was a Trappist abbey with a church, a hospital and a leper colony.”
And finally, the last river is the one that crosses the whole town the fonfourcade, which bore the name washing, because there were many ore washhouses.