the view of the champion of France 92, Jean-Marc Ferratge

Among the very attractive recruits, the Georgian Zuriko Davitashvili. Author of a decisive pass against the Laval residents, after having crossed the entire pitch from the sideline to the opposite exit of the penalty area in the middle of 4 Mayenne defenders.

Clément Michelin in search of trust

No more worries for Clément Michelin, author of a very average performance according to all the observers. Former player of Toulouse or RC Lens, the defender made his return to Ligue 2 in Bordeaux on the last day of the transfer window after a stint in Greece. For player agent Christophe Hutteau, he must be given time

I find the comments severe with Clément Michelin because I think it is important to specify that this boy arrived in the last days of the transfer window. He was coming out of a rather average season where he didn’t play much, so we have to give him time. He is a player with great potential, he has shown it. Let’s not forget that he was a French international hopeful. It’s still not nothing. So just a little patience with him. I’m sure he will bring and he won’t be part of the flops anymore. Because there, I actually join you on the meeting last night. It’s hard not to name it – Christophe Hutteau

To gain confidence playing time or just time?

But what time are we talking about? Cheering time within the group or playing time? Can a player find his place without spending minutes on the pitch in an official match? Response from Jean-Marc Ferratge, French D2 champion in 1992 with Bordeaux

I think David Guion will feel where the player is, certainly discuss with him, have the dialogue and see his behavior in relation to all this. But it is useless after a while to insist, to play a player who must multiply his discomfort and all that can be that at some point, he may have to take a step back. Who recovers his health in training. Now, I know that there are games, training attitudes to build confidence in the players and then they have to come back to success because training is for that too. Don’t forget, it’s the game that reflects the training and not the other way around – Jean-Marc Ferratge

Let’s not forget the context of his arrival!

Do not overexpose a player who would not be confident and who in this difficult period could only continue to burn himself in a way. If the question is purely psychological, then we have the right coach to answer it says Yon Ecenarro of France Bleu Gironde

It’s a mental problem. However, David Guion is good at it. I trust him enough to work and to judge in training. You have to be in training to see what the method is. Maybe he actually starts a little bit further than the others. Nsimba and Barbet have been there since July 1, that is to say the whole internship and the whole preparation. He arrived later and in a group that was going strong. And I think that there, what we see, it is not the reflection of his footballing skills, but rather of a “malaise”. He doesn’t find himself, he doesn’t have his bearings. He arrived in the best defense of the championship and in the first game he made a mess, which can happen to anyone. It doesn’t make you feel confident, it’s not easy – Yon Ecenarro

Clément Michelin is therefore in a period of adaptation and in search of confidence. The Bordeaux defense with Barbet, Nsimba, Mwanga, Gregersen and Ekomié (among others) should be able to give him time to get his bearings.

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