“PSG is a big club but especially not Kylian Saint-Germain”, denounced Kylian Mbappé after the publication of a video of PSG, which did not plan to delete it, France Bleu Paris reported on Thursday.
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Contrary to what has been said, the PSG video of thanks to subscribers has not been removed from YouTube and according to information from France Bleu Paris on Thursday April 6, there are no plans to remove it from the platform. In a video the club sent to its supporters to promote its re-membership campaign for next season, Kylian Mbappé is the only one to be questioned, which the 24-year-old striker denounces. “PSG is a great club, but especially not Kylian Saint-Germain”denounced the Parisian star who claims on Instagram “disagree” with this communication, very straddling his image rights.
“At no time was I informed of the content of the interview with my interlocutor, denounced the Parisian striker on his Instagram post. I disagree with this posted video. That’s why I fight for individual image rights. PSG is a big club and a big family, but it is certainly not Kylian Saint-Germain.” The French international thus takes up with perfidy the slogan of this campaign “Grand Paris, big family”. The management of PSG and the Mbappé clan explained themselves about the video and the message of the player on Instagram Thursday afternoon, reports France Bleu Paris. The club made its mea culpa and recognized its error for this clip which was not validated by the communication of Paris-Saint-Germain.