the victory of Valérie Pécresse, “a great dynamic” for “a straight line without complex”, according to her supporters

The right “leaves with a very beautiful dynamic and a beautiful message of hope around a woman”, estimated on franceinfo Florence Portelli, after the victory of Valérie Pécresse Saturday, December 4 at the congress of the Republicans party. Frédéric Péchenard also said to himself “very happy” the victory of the candidate in the second round, against Eric Ciotti.

The regional councilor of Île-de-France, who has worked with her for six years, highlighted “her tenacity, her will, her firmness and her kindness. She is an excellent regional president, and there is no doubt that she will also be an excellent president of the Republic.”

Florence Portelli and Frédéric Péchenard both congratulated each other on the conditions in which this congress took place. Thus, according to the mayor Libres of Taverny (Val-d’Oise) and spokesperson for Valérie Pécresse, “the right is truly united” behind the candidacy of the president of the Île-de-France region for the presidential election of 2022. The one who is also vice-president of this regional council said to feel “great emotion and great pride that the right has shown a beautiful face, with debates of great dignity and very high quality”.

According to Frédéric Péchenard, this congress therefore “allowed the party to find color” and “a political space between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen”. “This right is embodied by Valérie Pécresse, he assured. It is a straight line without complex, which assumes perfectly to be of right, in particular on the security and the sovereign subjects. “

After her victory at the Les Républicains party congress, Valérie Pécresse will start a tour of France on Monday, starting with the city of Nice (Alpes-Maritimes). “It’s important to start with Eric Ciotti’s department and show that walking hand in hand starts right away”, justified Florence Portelli.

This initiative goes beyond the two finalists, according to the regional councilor of Île-de-France Frédéric Péchenard, who considers that Michel Barnier, Xavier Bertrand and Philippe Juvin “will have their place” in this opening campaign. “We showed a very beautiful image of unity during this congress. It is important that it continues.”

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