the victims again plunged into horror



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Thursday, October 28, was held thirty-fifth day of the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015. A day marked by the use of a soundtrack of the Bataclan hostage-taking.

A soundtrack of the Bataclan hostage-taking was broadcast on Thursday, October 28, as part of the thirty-fifth day of the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015 in Paris and Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis). Éric Pelletier, franceinfo journalist, deciphers this event from the special court of assize.

An excerpt lasting four minutes and thirty seconds was broadcast during the hearing. “Video clips captured from a dictaphone, where we can hear the terrorists claiming responsibility for the massacre, for Syria and Iraq. What strikes you are calm and calm young voices” who threaten the hostages and invite them to attack their “President”. This recording was until then kept under seal but could be distributed at the request of an association of victims..


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