the very touching photo published by his youngest daughter, Joy…

“My dad and I are so alike. I love you”, wrote on April 9, Joy, the youngest of the Hallyday clan, on her Instagram account. And this, in the caption of a photo on which we discovered her much younger, in the arms of her late dad, Johnny.

“You look so much like him and you carry within you his most beautiful values ​​and his unconditional love forever. He passed on so many things to you. He would be so proud today to see you play the guitar with so much passion and determination. He will never stop guiding you. This love that no one can ever steal from you, my angel. Despite the lies, hatred and resentment of the beings who have abandoned us. Love will always be stronger than anything.”had immediately replied his mother, Laeticia, following this publication.

This Friday, April 15, Joy renewed the operation. Again on her social network, she wanted to pay a vibrant tribute to the Taulier. This time, on the picture in question, the teenager appears asleep in the arms of Johnny, who seems exhausted.

See also: Léon, Johnny Hallyday’s dad, makes scandalous comments about his son!


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