the very strange declaration of the director of the antennas 24 hours earlier!

After years of presence on the screens of France Télévisions, the famous animator Laurent Ruquier has made the decision to leave the group. A sad news that the companion of Hugo Manos announced on social networks. “I have decided to leave France 2. I have been working for the public service for twenty-three seasons. has tried everything’ (8 years of daily newspaper) ‘We are not in bed’ (15 seasons) ‘We only ask to laugh about it’ (Daily newspaper which for several years has made it possible to reveal the best comedians of today ) ‘Les Enfants De la Tv’ (For six seasons already and whose return to France 2 is now a big success) Without forgetting ‘We are live’ which for two years will have enabled, among other things, to reveal Philippe Caveriviere”, notably wrote the TV man on his Instagram account this Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

And to continue: “I especially want to thank the viewers for their trust and loyalty, constantly renewed. This trust, for three seasons, I no longer have it from the management of France 2. It’s a shame but that’s the way it is. I could have continued to quietly present the Children of TV but I still have other desires, other ambitions and I unfortunately see from year to year the reduction of my emissions, since I have still learned – Only at the end of June! – that there would be no more bonuses for the Big Heads or the Children of TV next season. This is the last sign that confirmed to me that it was time to think about other horizons.”

See also:

A rash decision?

According to the latest information posted online by journalist Christophe Gazzano, Stéphane Sitbon-Gomez, Director of Antennas and Programs of France Televisions had however announced “that discussions with Laurent Ruquier were continuing” during the group’s back-to-school conference. Only, things seem to have changed in a short time since “24 hours later”the host announced “himself his departure from France Télé”. What happened ? Mystery…


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