the very first freighter loaded with cereals, the Polarnet, has arrived at its destination, announces kyiv

The Polarnet, 12,000 tons of maize, thus outstripped the Razoni, still looking for a buyer for its 26,000 tons of cereals.

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For the first time since the beginning of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, on February 24, a ship carrying grain exported by Ukraine arrived at its destination on Monday August 8 at its final destination, Turkey, announced kyiv. The Turkish cargo ship Polarnet which left the Ukrainian port of Chornomorsk, 40 kilometers from Odessa, on Friday was carrying 12,000 tons of corn.

The cargo arrived as planned at its destination after its inspection by the Joint Coordination Center (JCC) established in Istanbul, announced in a press release the Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure. The government remains optimistic about future prospects” of deliveries, specified the Ukrainian Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov in a statement.

A total of eight ships have set sail, Ukrainian authorities said Monday morning. The very first freighter to leave Ukraine on August 1, the Razoni, 26,000 tonnes of corn which was due to dock in Lebanon on Sunday, was delayed. According to the Ukrainian Embassy in Lebanon, “the end buyer in Lebanon refused to accept the shipment”, “The sender is therefore looking for another recipient”. kyiv hopes that three to five ships will be able to leave daily within two weeks.

Russia and Ukraine signed two separate agreements on Friday July 22, validated by Turkey and the United Nations. These agreements allow exports of Ukrainian cereals blocked by the war since February 24 and those of Russian agricultural products despite Western sanctions.

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