The very disappointing green plan of the CAQ

The Plan for a green economy released Friday by the Government of Quebec is green powder thrown in the eyes of the population.

So that we no longer see the veil of smoke in the sky coming from the forest fires in Western Canada.

So that we forget the floods suffered in Quebec just a few weeks ago.

Droughts in Europe this winter.

And that in the Horn of Africa, where 3.3 million people lack water. Where thousands of children are literally starving to death.

No wonder so many climate victims seek to immigrate to places where drinking water is used to wash large polluting tanks and where tons of food are thrown away.

Climate irresponsibility

Our willful blindness makes me cry. Quebec has everything it needs to become the leader of a true transition that is both fair and ecological, but we are not making that choice.

We think we are very good because of our hydroelectricity. Yet our per capita carbon footprint is twice the global average.

Yes, a Quebecer pollutes much more than a Chinese! Despite our renewable energies.

We are champions of energy and material waste.

In solution mode

We could do so much better!

This requires much more than “small steps in the right direction” like those found in the Plan for a Green Economy.

We would be richer, knowing how expensive climate extremes are. In 2022, they caused more than $3 billion in damage. Only for goods insured in Canada!

However, it has been shown that each dollar invested in the reduction of GHGs and climate adaptation divides future expenditure by at least four.

really act

For Quebec to truly be part of a green economy, all of its decisions should be scrutinized for their impact on the environment.

It means putting in place a structuring political and economic framework that would transform the architecture of our individual and collective choices. Ensuring that the most economical, simple and pleasant choices are also the most ecological and socially responsible.

In economic jargon, this means internalizing environmental and social costs.

In other words, apply the “polluter pays” principle, regulate and invest in solution mode: active and public transport, circular economy, energy and material sobriety, agroecology, greening, protection of natural environments, etc.

See the positive

Obviously, there is good in this plan. Even if it’s not enough, a little green candy is better than nothing when you’re hungry.

We can salute the investments in the decarbonization of buildings, sobriety and energy efficiency and active transportation. As well as the improvement of adaptation envelopes. Large companies must be delighted to be supported to reduce their emissions.

But quite frankly, 9 billion over five years, these are peanuts compared to what the climatic extremes will cost us. In money and quality of life.

source site-64