the vegetable garden saves money


France 3

Article written by

F. Donjon, V. Casanova, M. Martin – France 3

France Televisions

More and more French people are interested in creating a vegetable garden. It also saves on fruits and vegetables, which are more expensive in the trade.

Many French people have started a vegetable garden in order to save money. Yolande, a nurse, grows tomatoes, radishes, beans… “I wanted to do my own production and really be able to eat healthy”, she explains. Two other gardeners, present for more than 20 years, no longer buy their fruit or vegetables in the supermarket. “A kilo of tomatoes at 4 euros and a few, it is better to harvest them at home”assures one of them.

They rent the land for 75 euros a year and only have to pay for the water for their plantations. “It’s a pleasure to do, but you have to be in it every day”, observes Jean-Paul, a gardener. Cultivating one’s land is of increasing interest. In a garden centre, the sale of vegetable plants increased by 10% in 2021. The clientele is younger and less experienced. “We are also here to help with the choice and success of the vegetable garden”says Rémi Brigand, director of a garden center in Mâcon (Saône-et-Loire).

source site-14