The vast majority of information comes through social networks and video.

In its annual report, Reuters tells us that interest in information is constantly declining, despite new content and the enrichment of formats for keeping up to date with current events on social networks.


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Content creators, found on social networks, are gaining more and more audiences on traditional media.  (MATT CARDY / GETTY IMAGES EUROPE)

“And you, how do you get information?” This is the traditional question ofReuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. VSvery year, the British research center produces a report on information practices on the internet. In 2024, 95,000 people from 47 countries were surveyed. First of all, it appears that video is still gaining popularity.

66% of respondents watch at least one short video every week. It’s easy to access and more attractive than text. And three quarters of this consumption takes place on platforms and social networks, the rest on media sites, although they are more consulted for their articles. In France, Facebook is popular, followed by YouTube, Instagram and WhatsApp.

Regarding traditional media, they are more or less visible depending on the social network you use. If we go to X or Facebook, which have an aging audience, recognized brands still weigh heavily there. On the other hand, on younger platforms, like TikTok or Snapchat, it is content creators and influencers who are popular. 52% of respondents obtain information via these alternative accounts to traditional media.

Reuters cites the example of Frenchman Hugo Travers whose HugoDécrypte account has two and a half million subscribers on YouTube, five and a half million on TikTok. It is mentioned by the panel more times than The world, Le Figaro And Release reunited.

Journalists committed to defending the environment Salomé Saqué and Hugo Clément, very active on their social networks, have also become major sources of information for new generations. The older ones prefer Éric Zemmour and Pascal Praud, therefore rather sources which give their opinion, but do not present facts.

The Reuters study is clear: interest in news continues to decline. Only a few countries, such as the United States, are experiencing a slight revival of interest. In France, on the other hand, the proportion of people passionate about news fell from 59% in 2015 to 36% in 2024. In the United Kingdom, the results are even more critical: the figure has been halved in seven years.

As for trust in the media, it has stabilized. 40% of citizens think that television news does their job well. Finland is the country that gives them the most credit. Greece and Hungary are at the bottom of the ranking. France is in 38th position out of 47 in this ranking, with a confidence level of 31%. The regional press, public service channels and the newspaper The world are considered the most reliable sources of information.

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