“Put on the music, do not think about what is around and let off steam while dancing and singing!“This is Anna’s anti-gloom recipe, a high school student. At the Christmas market, she shares a meal with her friend, Lana, a moment for them before going back to class. “I like to go to the Vercors, to the Diois, take a little walk even just one afternoon is enough to make you happy“, advises Lana.
Relaxing in the heart of nature is also Jo’s choice, at the entrance to the market: “Put on a tracksuit, sneakers and go into the woods! Walk, run, escape what !“
Art therapy
Laurent, for his part, favors art: “Draw, paint, take care of your hands! It frees our creativity, it occupies us and it allows us to feel better!“explains this designer. He draws logos which he then silkscreen with his partner, Pierrette, on t-shirts, in their downtown store, Bylo Design.”Wear colorful clothes, lots and lots of colors! That’s life !“Pierrette advocates. Indeed, the shop is filled with colorful t-shirts.
– Maya Baldoureaux-Fredon
Feeling good in your clothes is a good way to fight against gloom, according to Pierrette, who even offers workshops for screen printing yourself: “We had business leaders who came, they thought they would stay an hour and finally they spent the whole afternoon because they ordered two hundred polo shirts from us and they were happy to make them themselves, for their own employees!”
Be good with yourself and others
Take care of your appearance, of yourself, this is also the advice of Alex, hairdresser for 27 years in the city center of Valence: “With massages, hair and scalp treatments, to completely relax, find well-being “, he explains. Moreover, making people feel beautiful is its own remedy against gloom: “When we hear people say: wow, it’s great, thank you Alex, it’s our happiness, it’s the satisfaction of our work!“
Finally, among the most popular advice given by Valentines! “See others, share a good meal, chat“, confirms Colin. This is also what Florian offers, in his board game stand at the Christmas market: “_Board games bring together_, people feel less alone! I, who don’t go out a lot, I really like the board game evenings that we organize, it helps to fight against the gloomy environment. And then there are so many choices that each person is bound to find a game they like.“
Soak up the sun for a few minutes, play in the snow when it’s there, marvel at the Christmas lights… it also works!