The vaccine pass is an attack on freedoms denounces the PC deputy of Le Havre Jean-Paul Lecoq

Big quack last night at the National Assembly. The deputies debated the government bill on the transformation of the health pass into a vaccination pass. But around midnight those in the majority were no longer numerous enough and the opposition obtained a suspension of the session.

This text is bad. Jean-Paul Lecoq

For the PCF deputy of Le Havre Jean-Paul Lecoq present this Monday evening in the hemicycle, “this text is bad, so we are in the resistance phase and my group, like the other opposition groups, was very numerous, organized, to be able to hold out all night, to explain to Minister Véran why his text is bad “. Jean-Paul Lecoq adds: “We want a vaccine pass to get on the train outside we know that the vaccine pass is that the vaccine does not protect against the transmission of the disease. And so we think, us, that it is more important to be tested before to take the train than to have a vaccination pass in his pocket which means that you can be a carrier of the disease. And the government does not want to hear “.

This vaccination pass is an attack on the freedoms of movement and activity. Jean-Paul Lecoq

“To curb contagion, the whole world must be vaccinated” adds the chosen one. “We have to lift the patents and licenses, we have to go and vaccinate all of Africa because otherwise, there will be variants that will come back one after the other after having toured the world “ suggests Jean-Paul Lecoq who adds that we must continue to convince the unvaccinated.

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