The vaccine pass “does not change anything for 92% of French people”, says Roland Lescure, LREM spokesperson

The vaccination pass “does not change anything for 92% of French people”says Thursday January 20 on franceinfo Roland Lescure, spokesperson for La République en Marche, while this pass will come into force on Monday January 24.

>> Covid-19: entry into force of the vaccination pass, gradual lifting of restrictions, health protocol at school… What to remember from government announcements

Those who are vaccinated, they went to the restaurant, they presented their health pass. They will present the same phone, the same app, next week, it will be a vaccine pass”, insists Roland Lescure. The difference, he says, “it’s that the unvaccinated will have an incentive to get vaccinated”. For Roland Lescure, “Since the president announced, at the beginning of December, that we were going to set up a vaccination pass, the first vaccinated, it is 800,000 or 900,000 more”. He estimates that “It helped convince the last recalcitrants who aren’t epidermal anti-vaxers. They’re just people who needed an extra push to do it.”

Roland Lescure also judges that he is “time that we try to gradually get out of these constraints”, as the Prime Minister announces the timetable for the gradual lifting of restrictions. There are “a weariness among the Frenchrecognizes the spokesperson for LREM. “There have been a lot of contaminations”during the festivities, “I know a lot of people who have unfortunately spent their holidays alone at home”. He sees it “a kind of endless day”. “We all want to move on”adds Roland Lescure.

Today we enter “the beginning of the last chapter” of the epidemic, hopes Roland Lescure. “It won’t be the end. We still have a lot of uncertainties and I think it will be more a matter of months than weeks. But we hope that in the coming weeks we will be able to start shooting this page.”

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