The vaccine for 5-11 year olds, a mummy on the radar and a train like no other

Every week, “Hey info!” deciphers the news for 7-11 year olds, a podcast produced by franceinfo and the magazine Astrapi.

This week, Ingrid is listening to an excerpt from Ode to joy created in 1824 by Beethoven. Because it is the anthem of the European Union, an institution, which has a Council to vote laws. And since January 1, it is France’s turn to lead this Council for a period of six months! Europe is also very complicated compared to all its rules “, comments 11-year-old Norah. It is not always easy, in fact, to get 27 countries to agree to take joint decisions on the economy and agriculture, for example. And precisely, as President of the Council of the European Union, France is responsible for ensuring the smooth running of the discussions.

Egyptian researchers studied a mummy using a 3D scanner. This device is usually used by doctors to take x-rays. Their feat is therefore to have pierced the secrets of Pharaoh Amenhotep I without removing his bands. They found out that he had curly hair and was about six feet tall … “Ah, I’ll catch up with him soon!”, laughs Norah. Amenhotep I is also the first pharaoh to have been mummified with his arms crossed and the last whose brain was not removed from the skull at the time of his mummification.

Focus on another amazing story. Residents of an apartment in Saint Petersburg, United States, have noticed that bees have been coming out from behind their showers for some time. To avoid getting stung, they called a beekeeper to help. Breaking the wall, the specialist discovered a huge beehive two meters high with inside … a colony of 80,000 bees! “Browsing flowers in a bathroom, it’s quite surprising. Especially since it must have been a hassle to go out because, suddenly, they are in the wall”, reacts Norah. And these bees were saved! It took 5 hours for the beekeeper to remove them and transport them to her garden. And 45 kilos of honey were recovered in the process!

5-11 year olds can now be vaccinated against the coronavirus with a dosage three times lighter than for adults. But how is it going? Pauline Pennanec’h met the pediatrician, Christèle Gras Le Guen, president of the French Pediatric Society, and head of the pediatrics department at the Nantes University Hospital. Several Covid-19 vaccines use messenger RNA technology. “It’s a very recent invention, explains the specialist, but which is extremely effective and which consists in sending into the body parts which will be used to code and to remanufacture pieces of virus which will be presented to the immune system and which will make it possible to build defenses against this virus without even the to have met. And once those defenses are there, if the real virus ever shows up, it will be blocked.. “

Unlike older children, children up to 11 years old will not be subject to the vaccination pass provided by the government. Without being vaccinated, they can continue to go to the cinema, to the restaurant, to the stadium … and of course to school!

Elise, 10, confides on the program’s answering machine. She asks for advice because her brother is jealous of the gifts she received after winning a drawing competition. In the section “We tell each other everything”, Hi The info answers him. Children’s jokes are always there. They can leave some for us on the program’s answering machine on 01 47 79 40 00.

And Oscar, 9, shares his crush for The Prodigious, a fantastic children’s novel by Canadian writer Kenneth Oppel (Ed.Quebec Amérique). The story takes place aboard the Prodigieux, a train unlike any other … “It’s a train that’s actually a city on rails, it’s really huge. And the owner of the Prodigious is dead. And he asked that his tomb be put in a train car to travel endlessly. Like this man. was very rich there are lots of treasures in the wagon. And the hero of the novel holds this key, that’s why he is going to be chased… “, explains the young reader. The suspense is at the rendezvous!

Good listening !

“Hi Info” has been concocted for you this week by:

Ingrid Pohu and Pauline Pennanec’h in production

Marina Cabiten and Marion Joseph in chief editor

Philippe Baudouin directing

Thomas Coudreuse mixing

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