the vaccination pass for final reading at the Assembly on Sunday afternoon

What there is to know

After two chaotic weeks, Parliament must adopt, on Sunday January 16, by a final vote of the Assembly, the controversial bill establishing the vaccine pass. The Minister of Health Olivier Véran will not be on site, being himself affected by the Covid-19. The vote is expected at 4 p.m. Follow the situation in our live.

“The vaccination pass will come into force as soon as possible”. This was declared on franceinfo by the Minister Delegate for Autonomy and Departmental Councilor of Pas-de-Calais, Brigitte Bourguignon. “We only lost 48 hours”, she relativized, assuring that he “it was normal for there to be debates”. She also confirmed that the vaccination pass should come into effect for those over 16 in the coming days.

The Senate voted for the vaccination pass but disagreements persist with the Assembly. The version adopted by the senators removes the possibility of carrying out identity checks on the part of professionals. It also withdraws the administrative fine for non-compliance by the employer with the rules of teleworking. The last word will go to the deputies.

Sharp drop in the mobilization of anti-passes. The demonstrations of the anti-sanitary pass and “antivax” gathered 54,000 participants throughout France on Saturday, according to the Ministry of the Interior, almost twice as many as the previous week (105,200), which had been marked by a very clear rebound in mobilization.

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