the vaccination pass, definitively adopted by Parliament, will come into force in the coming days

What there is to know

There was no final twist. After two turbulent weeks, Parliament finally adopted, Sunday January 16, the bill establishing the vaccine pass, after a final vote of the deputies (215 votes for, 58 votes against and 7 abstentions). Its entry into force is coming soon. It will then be necessary to be able to justify a vaccination status to access leisure activities, restaurants and bars, fairs or interregional public transport. Follow our live.

An entry into force “as soon as possible”. The government hopes to implement the vaccination pass around January 20. “We only lost 48 hours”, relativized on franceinfo Brigitte Bourguignon the minister in charge of Autonomy and departmental councilor of Pas-de-Calais. She confirmed that the vaccination pass should come into effect for those over 16 in the coming days.

New rules. From the entry into force of this vaccination pass, it will no longer be possible to present a negative test to have access to certain places of daily life, to practice leisure activities or to use interregional transport. Only a complete vaccination schedule or a Covid-19 recovery certificate less than six months old will be valid.

Two referrals from Constitutional Council. The first was filed by the Socialist parliamentarians in the National Assembly and the Senate. The second by the group La France insoumise with the communist deputies, freedoms and territories, non-registered environmentalists, of the Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI), and three Socialist Party deputies.

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