the vaccination campaign in pharmacies is accelerating

The milestone of 50,000 people vaccinated against monkeypox has just been passed. But the objective is 200,000, so to achieve this objective, pharmacies have been authorized to vaccinate.

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The appointmentschain in L’back shop of this street pharmacy Saint Maur at Paris. VSis the Regional Health Agency ofIsland-de-France who requested this pharmacy to relieve the vaccination center, located just next door and which is overwhelmed.

>> Monkey pox: the rate of injections constantly increasing at the Paris vaccination center

Since two weeks, belkasseh ransa Pilard, the pharmacist’s assistant, manages dates with the 140 doses she has received. “As soon as we opened the vaccination slots, they were taken by storm.

“Patients are really demanding. We receive calls every day, sometimes it’s a call every quarter of an hour, a call every five minutes to be able to have slots available.”

Belkasseh Ransa Pilard

at franceinfo

“So I think the number of people who are disappointed or waiting for a dose is quite significant”, concludes the pharmacist.

The difficulty with this vaccine against smallpox, vsis the logistics because it keeps at less than 80 degrees. Once thawed, the doses only last 14 days.

For’moment, alone five pharmacies participate in this experimentation but others will be selected, according to the representative of the federation of pharmacists’ unions. New pharmacies located in Montpellier (Hérault), in the North and in Rhône-Alpes should soon be authorized to vaccinate. The Ministry of Health will take stock of the announcements in early September.

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