Plants need to eat, just like us! What do they need? Follow the advice of Roland Motte, our gardener.
Plants are like us, they eat. Give them organic fertilizer, but pay attention to each plant’s own needs, with the advice of Roland Motte, the gardener of France Bleu Besançon and France Bleu Lorraine.
There are even some plants that are real gluttons. Here, take strawberries or geraniums. These two, we must not promise them. To help your plants grow well, you need a fertilizer adapted to the plant, a pair of gloves and a watering can.
Nutrients are essential to the plant.”
There are many different fertilizers. It’s normal. It’s like us. We don’t all eat the same things and in the same quantities, but as long as our diet is balanced, in the end, it’s like plants. Nutrients are essential to the plant.
And for you, it’s simple, just remember that a geranium fertilizer is good for geraniums. A rose fertilizer is suitable for roses. That a green plant fertilizer is for green plants and a conifer fertilizer is for conifers, etc, etc.
– Roland Motte
Fertilizer is food, so avoid double doses. There is no risk of obesity in plants, but an excess of nutrients can harm them and weaken them, like us the day after a feast.
Find Roland Motte on France Bleu Lorraine and France Bleu Besançon and on his website