the useful booster dose to strengthen its antibodies


France 2

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A case of the Omicron variant was detected in France this Thursday, December 2. If we do not yet know what effect the vaccine will have on this new variant, Damien Mascret recalls that a third dose is useful to strengthen his antibodies, on the set of the 20 Hours of France 2.

The statement of the President of the Scientific Council, Jean-François Delfraissy, caused a lot of reactions: if he considers that the vaccine might not be suitable, he still encourages the population to take a booster dose. A statement which, at first glance, seems contradictory. On the set of France 2, the journalist Damien Mascret explains that to understand these words, we must distinguish between the “iantibody unit “, the fastest, and “cellular immunity “, slower but more powerful. “For the first line, it crumbles over time (…), so we do a booster, a booster at six or five months which allows the levels of antibodies to be raised”, details the doctor.

A question remains: while the fight against the other variants required more antibodies than for the initial virus, we do not yet know the reaction of the vaccine to Omicron. “It is therefore rather smart to strengthen your immunity now by increasing your antibody levels with a booster”, concludes Damien Mascret.

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