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CBD consumption is increasing sharply in France. From hemp, this plant has no harmful effects for those who consume it. Farmers are taking advantage of this strong demand.
Hemp consumption is increasing sharply in France. Some companies have specialized in its production. Tuesday, November 8, the harvest of this CBD has already started. “We come to harvest the upper part of the plant because that is where we will find the most beautiful flowers”Explain Michael TablingChief Operating Officer ofagrican company. Unlike cannabis, hemp does not have a psychotropic effect. Consumers generally take it to relax.
To be able to sell CBD, the content of THC, the molecule used for recreational purposes, must be very weak. Thus, growing hemp is precision work and several steps are necessary to be able to harvest this plant. “There, we will come and remove all the rest of the waste: stems, leaves. And we’ll get the flowers”noted Michael Tabling. The activity of some farmers, specializing in the cultivation of CBD, is expanding. New consumers are starting to use CBD to find sleep or to fight pain.