Brazilians are so passionate about football that they make a place for it in maternity wards! Finally, a much more imposing ball that Pilates enthusiasts are familiar with.
Reading time: 2 min

Géraldine Zamansky, journalist at the Health Magazine on France 5, talks to us today about research which really suggested that women about to give birth could prepare for it using a balloon.
franceinfo: Is this a much bigger ball than the footballers’ ball?
Géraldine Zamansky: Absolutely. This large ball called “Swiss” is better known to Pilates enthusiasts than to footballers. Its use by women arriving at the maternity ward in full contractions would have reduced their “labor” time by 3 hours, a friendly gynecological term, until delivery.
And this would have reduced pain by 2 points on the famous scale of 1 to 10, as well as fatigue and anxiety. With even a reduction in the use of cesarean section from 26 to 12% among the 100 women who benefited from it compared to the unlucky 100 in the “control” group.
Quite interesting results!
Yes, really, as Professor Elie Azria, head of the maternity ward at Paris Saint-Joseph Hospital, confirmed to me. Moreover, its service already offers patients this type of balloon, before childbirth. But without the support of a specialized physiotherapist, as in the Brazilian study, where different exercises were offered, depending on the progress of the work.
Some would be difficult to achieve with epidural anesthesia, which can reduce control of movements. However, epidurals are much more common in France than in Brazil. There are other differences such as very lower cesarean section rates, so it is impossible to imagine a direct transposition here of the results of this study. But for Professor Azria, the simple fact of sitting on these large balls, moving gently, already allows you to mobilize the pelvis well.
This facilitates the softening of the ligaments, joints, and the famous dilation of the cervix. This incredible opening which will allow the baby to pass through. And its descent is of course facilitated by the more vertical position.
But in maternity, we all have the image of giving birth in a lying position?
Yes, but while being a hospital obstetrician-gynecologist, Professor Azria is able to recognize that the medicalization of childbirth can have negative aspects. Like lying down for hours. The objective would therefore be to find a new balance.
With, for example, epidural anesthesia dosed differently, to reduce pain, while preserving greater freedom of movement. And the help of kinds of hammocks and “vines” to better accompany the contractions, in addition to the ball. In short, improve birth conditions while preserving the safety of mother and child!