the urgency to inform in order to break the chain

Could the Covid-19 epidemic make you lose your mind? In any case, it overshadowed many other health problems and illnesses. The observation has been made on several occasions, for example, in the treatment of cancer.

This same observation is applicable to the fight against AIDS. Since its discovery in 1983, this disease has killed 76 million people worldwide. A disease still relevant even if the communication around this scourge no longer has the same impact, the same tone.

The information no longer passes sufficiently correctly. So some populations are completely unaware of this disease. Others are not more aware of the existing treatments and which can be taken following a risk-taking. “ There is a lack of information and popularization of these tools which are simple and which could allow a considerable drop in the number of patients.”Sylvie Marcaggi, president of the Aiutu Corsu association, said on RCFM’s antenna.

Sylvie Marcaggi, president of the association “Aiutu Corsu” © Radio France

Lack of information, slackening, it is urgent today to take things in hand and launch new awareness campaigns among young people in particular. The goal of “2030 without AIDS” seems unachievable as it stands.

AIDS is now around 6,200 new cases per year in France. Corsica unfortunately does not have precise data. But she is no stranger to this disease.

However, the future is not so bleak. There are treatments. It is still necessary to make them known to the public. “Among these is TPE (Post Exposure Treatment). It has been around for many, many years. It must be taken within 48 hours after taking a risk. It is administered in the hospital and allows to stay totally negative”Explains Sylvie Marcaggi. But there ! This treatment, which has existed for many years, is totally unknown. “This is not normal” concludes the president of Aiutu Corsu.

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