“The ups, the downs … the tears”: Laurence Boccolini and her daughter hand in hand in the face of the trials of life

Sunday November 6, Laurence Boccolini celebrates the 9th birthday of her daughter Willow. A particularly important day. The France 2 star is not one to show pictures and talk about his private life. No wonder then that her Instagram profile doesn’t show details of her child’s birthday party. However, this did not prevent her from showing more than usual.

On Instagram, the 50-year-old posted a photo of her hand taking her daughter’s in hers. Mother and daughter are apparently taking refuge under the covers, watching television. A sweet photograph commented as follows: “We go hand in hand. The ups, the downs, the difficult times, the immense joys and the little moments of sweetness, between the tears and the raindrops, the little sorrows and the bursts of laughter…9 years of absolute and infinite love. It’s all that matters. May your path be full of beautiful encounters and caring humans. Happy birthday Willow. Mom.

And in story, Laurence Boccolini reiterated the following message: “May your path be made of beautiful encounters and caring people. 9 years old today. Happy Birthday to you Willow. Absolute love. Mom.

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