the updated official simulator


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

A. Girault-Carlier, G. de Florival, R. Mathé, Z. Berkous, S. Sahki, V. Poulain – France 3

France Televisions

Since Monday, June 12, the site has been answering your questions about your retirement. Updated, the official simulator incorporates the new provisions of the reform promulgated in April by the government.

Only a few clicks, and Catherine Guerniou will be able to discover her retirement rights, with the new reform. And it’s the cold shower. Monday, June 12, this entrepreneur realizes what the reform will change for her. “Last week, I could leave at 62. And there, today, to still ensure a comfortable income compared to what I have today, I have to leave at 64.”details the leader of La Fenêtrière.

A new version of the site available in the fall

In the workshop next door, Fabrice Vatier, a 58-year-old carpenter, started working at the age of 16. Considered as a long career, he can therefore always leave at 60, even if it is not in his plans. Nadège Delattre, sales assistant, realizes that with this software, even updated, her maternity leave is not taken into account. Like them, 40 million people can consult their new rights online. But beware, the calculations made on this site are only a simulation. A new version of the site will be available in the fall, taking particular account of special diets.

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