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In Iran, women risk their lives by uncovering their faces. They burn their veils or dance with their hair in the wind to simply demand to live in freedom. But some died when they were only 20 years old.
She ties up her exposed hair in front of Iranian police, before being killed by six bullets, according to local journalists. This woman, who was 20, is a new victim of Iranian repression. Since the death of Mahsa Amini, arrested on September 13 by the morality police for a badly worn veil, then died three days later, the revolt has not weakened in Iran. Every evening, young women but also men go out to express their anger in the streets of the country.
The veil is not the only problem. In Iran, women do not have the same rights as men. In the eyes of the law, they are under the authority of their father, then of their husband. So, can this movement make a difference? For the moment, the Iranian regime remains very firm. The repression is strong, and the head of the Iranian justice threatens to show no indulgence towards the demonstrators. Many Western countries have condemned the repression of this movement in Iran.