the untenable position of Israeli Arabs


Video duration:
3 mins


Article written by

franceinfo – M. Burgot, R. Duroselle, Y. Kadouch, G. Perez

France Televisions

The Israeli Arab community finds itself caught in this unprecedented crisis in 50 years. At the Ashkelon hospital (Israel), where since the Hamas attack, tension has not diminished, we find among the staff, the composition of the population of the Hebrew State.

In the emergency room of Ashkelon hospital (Israel), an Arab, Israeli and Muslim doctor works with an Israeli colleague of Jewish faith. Two different religions, but the same desire to heal. The Jewish doctor says he had a little difficulty when he had to deal with Hamas terrorists on Saturday October 7. It was very difficult, especially when I realized the actions they had committed,” says Assaf Uzan, emergency doctor. For his part, Dr Amir El Asal ensures that he treats “the injured who arrive in the same way”.

Smooth cohabitation

Cohabitation between staff of different faiths is seamless. But, in patient rooms, the discourse is no longer the same. Sabine Taasa is with her injured child. She lost her husband and her eldest son during the Hamas assault on her village. There are two or three Palestinians who are hospitalized. […] We give them medical treatment.”, she takes offense. The traumatized country clings to some good stories, like that of an Israeli Arab who saved 30 young Jews at the festival.

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