“The unknown woman of the Seine” by Guillaume Musso

Guillaume Musso, a name that represents millions of sales in many countries! Her novel “L’inconnue de la Seine” comes from go out in Audiolib.

The story ? We are in December, on a foggy night, the team of the river police rescue a woman in the Seine. She is naked, but alive. She doesn’t remember anything.

Led to the infirmary of the police headquarters, she is very agitated. Taking advantage of a moment of inattention on the part of the police, she escapes. Meanwhile, the DNA results speak, and give his identity. She is Miléna Bergman, renowned pianist.

Miléna Bergman… died in a plane crash, 1 year ago.

Roxanne is in charge of the investigation. Roxanne, a bad cop. Put in the closet some time before, will have to conduct the investigation and give an answer to this question: How can the pianist who died a year ago be the stranger fished out of the Seine?

Since November 10, “L’inconnue de la Seine” is therefore a book that can be listened to, a book read by actor Rémi Bichet. Find out about it in our podcast. It’s intriguing and it makes you want to immerse yourself in this story inspired by a 19th century news item.

Frankly, I recommend it to you.

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